
Thoughts of you come and go endlessly. Good thoughts, happy thoughts. You are my cheerleader. I can't let you go!!! You are the smooth, sweet topping to my flambe. Your soft voice, so soothing, intoxicates me. There are no words to describe the feeling i have when we are in the same room. When we are together time flies and stands still. You are here then you are gone in an instant. Flash fire with a cool breeze. I see the ocean in your eyes. The sun in your smile. I long for you when I am sad, I long for you when I'm sick; when I'm happy and playful. You are the forbidden fruit in the garden of my life. You give me a bite and I want to devour you. I want to share life's journey with you. Explore beautiful things with you. Share our love of creative things. Each bite of you injects more of your poison, for which there is no antidote.


Well hello, 
Sweet peaceful happiness.
The brief moments in your life, that come and go.
Moments spent with someone that truly gets you, although this person is long gone.
Moments standing in your backyard looking at that big messy tree. The tree that makes you realize that seasons are going by.
Beginning in early spring with it's small bright green leaves. As the weather warms the flowers bloom. Flowers that later fall and litter your lawn.
As you look at these flowers you realize that next year at this time these flowers will have been long gone, but new flowers will lay in there place.
And so it goes, brief moments of pure sweet happiness, then lessons. All bringing you forward, and bringing a smile to your face.

Another day in the kingdom

Another day in the kingdom!

The princess wakes from a long sleep; after periods of cold, and wondering why she didn't have a blanket. She rubs her eyes until they are open wide. She sees light. She stands confused, how can there be light in this cold dark place? She turns around to see the door of the dungeon standing wide open. The sunlight is shining on her pale skin. She wonders; was it the captor that opened the door? Was it the voice with the key? Her thoughts move quickly; quickly to the here and now, she is free at last. She leaves all the thoughts of the dungeon behind her. In her heart all that is left are the lessons learned while in the dungeon.

In the Land of the Stars

Once upon a time in the land of the stars, there lived a princess. The  
princess had been locked away in a cold dungeon. Over time the dungeon  
had become a familiar place, not at all the frightening place it once  
was. One day the princess heard a voice off in the distance. The voice  
was hopeful and calming. The princess wondered how she could reach  
this wonderful voice. The voice then came to her; calmed her fears and  
presented her with the key to the dungeon. The princess was scared,  
scared to leave the place that had become familiar. The voice spoke to  
her softly and often with words of hope and encouragement.  The princess  
kept the key hidden from from her captor and from the rest of the  
kingdom. Often she would take the key from it's hiding place to admire  
it and the possibilities of freedom. The day came when the princess  
took the key from it's hiding place; held it firmly in her hand and  
approached the door. She put the key in the lock and turned it, to  
open the door. Her heart was pounding with fear and excitement. The  
princess heard the voice, it said come, don't be affraid. It is  
beautiful; you are beautiful. The princess stepped out of the dungeon  
only to find that there was another door. She did not have the key to  
this door; the voice then said, don't worry you will find the other  
key. This went on for quite some time. The voice spoke less  
frequently. The last thing the voice said from far off in the distance  
was, I have found the key. The princess never heard the voice again.

Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business
A dream of you, the churning and burning begins again, again.
Unfinished business.
Back to the beginning, to the end.
Foolish thoughts, words, yours, mine.
A broken lease, an eviction notice served to a vacant apartment.
Shaken faith, betrayed trust.
The magnetic pull, the sailor’s knot, can’t break free.
Unfinished business.
Souls connected.
A desire to defecate on the memory, yours, mine.
A song sung to the deaf, a picture painted for the blind.
Unfinished business.

No Matter

Sharp pointed.
A knife, a sword, or ice pick.
The men that carry them.
Double edged, razor sharp or piercingly pointed.
Directed at your heart or your back, no matter.

Soft colorful.
The tongues that wag, the mouths that drool, and speak from both sides;
The mouths that paint pictures, pictures thick with oil paint,
sketchy drawings, no matter.

Black, White, or Grey.
Words and paper, fresh new words, aged faded words.
Words that build up, words that tear down.
Truthful words, placatory words.
Not sticks, not stones, just words, no matter.

A Love

An old building, the curves, the architectural detail.
An appreciation for the passion and talent of those who spent an entire lifetime in its design.
The dedication it takes to create a thing of true beauty.
The individuals who died before the completion of their work of art.
The grey hues that are acquired over the years.
The painstaking efforts of preservation and restoration.
The lives that were touched at all stages, the design, the construction, the admiration.
These are the things that can be felt when admiring an old building.

The Garden

The Garden

Barefoot, standing in the freshly tilled soil; the warmth of the soil on your feet. You dig your toes in and look to the sky. The sky is a glorious shade of blue. You stand there; reach in your pocket, the pocket closest to your heart. Now in your hand are a collection of the most beautiful seeds. You open your hand to admire the seeds. You wonder¸ am I ready to plant these seeds. Is the weather right? Is the soil right? Will there be another freeze? The soil is so warm; you hope these precious seeds will not be wasted in the wrong weather conditions. You look to the sky again, it is so beautiful; you smile and carefully scoop the soil away from each spot where you intend to place your precious seeds. You carefully remove one seed at a time and place it into the little soil nest that you have created. Again, you look to the sky, it is so blue and you feel the warmth of the sun on your shoulders as you carefully plant all your precious seeds.

Filled with such a sense of accomplishment you step away and realize that your little possibilities need to be watered. You quickly go to your watering can and fill it with water, step gingerly around your precious seeds and slowly lift the heavy watering can and lightly water each precious seed. The soil surrounding your seeds is now the most wonderful shade; a nourished chocolate. There is such warmth in you now. Your seeds have all they need to flourish. You step back to admire your days work. Ah the wonder. You are now delirious with joy, and a sense of sleepiness comes over you. You are now lying down covered in velvet, the light dims.

You waken from your peaceful slumber, the seeds! It is a new day, you stumble to the garden. Carefully you move from nest to nest. You stop when you see the most precious little green sign of life. The first born, if all others perish your efforts will be worthwhile. This small green life is so bright and strong, you are filled with joy. You still have concern; should I water again? What will today’s weather conditions bring? You trust God; who realizes all your efforts and knows the outcome. This comforts you. You fill your day with the necessities of life. Again you are covered in the velvet, have thoughts of your little possibilities.

How many days have passed? You run to your garden.